# Giving Tuesday

On #GivingTuesday (November 30th) people from around the world come together to champion nonprofit causes close to their hearts!  We are asking you to join us this year in clothing and feeding our 100 orphans in Nepal. Your financial support will make a HUGE difference for these special children! Give today!

Millions of Orphans Need Help

Throughout the world orphans suffer the worst poverty and neglect that can be experienced. They are under fed, subject to filthy living conditions and susceptible to illness and disease.  Orphans are defenseless and extremely vulnerable.  They become victims of violence and abuse – including various forms of trafficking!

They need our help!

What Needs to Be Done

We Love Orphans is committed to seeing orphans throughout the world receive the love and care they so desperately need by providing sustainable, long lasting solutions and not just short term care.  We are focused on supplying cutting-edge technologies and research in aquaponics, aquaculture and animal husbandry, and developing leaders that are able to implement these technologies throughout the world.


We Love Orphans is committed to seeing the orphans throughout the world receive the love, care and spiritual foundation that they so desperately need by providing long-lasting solutions and not just short term care.

The Orphan's Plight

Orphans throughout the world suffer the worst poverty and neglect that can be experienced. They are under fed, subject to filthy living conditions, and susceptible to illness and disease. Moreover, orphans are defenseless and extremely vulnerable.... read more


  • Genuine Love & Care
  • Strong Leadership
  • Sustainable Strategies
  • Empowerment
  • Ongoing Support

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